Предусилитель fh710co для преобразователя расхода heliflu tz n

  1. Преобразователи расхода жидкости турбинные HELIFLU TZN, HELIFLU TZN CUS
  2. Скачать
  3. Информация по Госреестру
  4. Назначение
  5. Описание
  6. Преобразователи расхода жидкости эталонные турбинные HELIFLU TZ-N
  7. Описание HELIFLU TZ-N:
  8. Предусилитель fh710co для преобразователя расхода heliflu tz n
  9. Applications
  10. Features
  11. Master Meter instrumented spool piece
  12. Cartridge concept
  13. Robust CUS Bearing
  14. Outstanding Oil Calibration Laboratory
  15. Wide and evolutive range of flowmeters
  16. Master Meter instrumented spool piece
  17. Certified Meters
  18. Light and compact
  19. Easy «no expert» maintenance
  20. Compact and portable devices for easy military use
  21. Highest international quality standards
  22. Large choice of flange types
  23. Choice of number and position of outputs pick ups
  24. Readers flexible installation
  25. Bi-Directional Measurements
  26. Quick response time
  27. Sustainability over decades
  28. Fine Spirits Metering Stations
  29. Mastered technology
  30. Low Pressure Drop
  31. Qualified against the most severe environmental conditions
  32. Light Weight
  33. Accuracy and repeatability
  34. Compact
  35. Coolant Fluid Leaks
  36. Downsizing
  37. Large Flow Rates
  38. Low Pressure Drop
  39. Qualified againt most severe environmental conditions
  40. Accomodates different types of fuel
  41. Real time information
  42. Accuracy for military
  43. Low cost of ownership
  44. Calibration with real fluid
  45. Flexibility
  46. Sturdiness
  47. Replaceable cartridge
  48. Outstanding pulse stability and repeatability
  49. Stable & repeatable measuring meters
  50. Miniaturized flow metering solutions
  51. COFRAC ILAC ISO17025 Certifications
  52. Versatile technologies
  53. Reliability
  54. Robustness for test bench & military operation
  55. Rugged CUS design
  57. Full bore design
  58. Superior to other technologies
  59. Miniaturization of meter components
  60. Reliability of embedded equipment
  61. Bi-directional conception
  62. Cartridge concept
  63. Robust CUS Bearing
  64. Outstanding Oil Calibration Laboratory
  65. Wide and evolutive range of flowmeters
  66. Master Meter instrumented spool piece
  67. Certified Meters
  68. Light and compact
  69. Easy «no expert» maintenance
  70. Compact and portable devices for easy military use
  71. Highest international quality standards
  72. Large choice of flange types
  73. Choice of number and position of outputs pick ups
  74. Readers flexible installation
  75. Bi-Directional Measurements
  76. Quick response time
  77. Sustainability over decades
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Преобразователи расхода жидкости турбинные HELIFLU TZN, HELIFLU TZN CUS

В комплекте с электронными блоками обработки информации, вычислителями расхода, измерительно-вычислительными комплексами, измерительно-вычислительными контроллерами, предназначены для измерений объемного расхода и объема жидкости.


Информация по Госреестру

Основные данные
Номер по Госреестру 46057-14
Наименование Преобразователи расхода жидкости турбинные
Класс СИ
Год регистрации 2014
Методика поверки / информация о поверке МИ 3380-2012
Межповерочный интервал / Периодичность поверки 1 год
Страна-производитель Франция
Примечание 23.07.2014 утвержден вместо 46057-11
Информация о сертификате
Срок действия сертификата 23.07.2019
Тип сертификата (C — серия/E — партия) C
Дата протокола Приказ 1115 п. 42 от 23.07.2014Приказ 130 от 25.01.11 п.01
Производитель / Заявитель

Фирма «FAURE HERMAN SAS», Франция

Route de Bonnetable BP 20154 — 72406 La Ferte-Bernard Cedex — France. Тел.+33 (0)2 43 60 28 60, факс +33 (0)2 43 60 28 70 www.faureherman.com, E-mail: fhprojects@idexcorp.com


Преобразователи расхода жидкости турбинные моделей HELIFLU TZN, HELIFLU TZN CUS предназначены для измерений объемного расхода и объема жидкостей и преобразования измеренных значений в числоимпульсные сигналы.


Принцип действия преобразователей расхода жидкости турбинных моделей HELIFLU TZN, HELIFLU TZN CUS основан на преобразовании поступательного движения жидкости в проточной части преобразователя расхода во вращательное движение его ротора, скорость вращения которого пропорциональна объемному расходу, а число оборотов пропорционально объему протекающей жидкости через преобразователь расхода. При вращении ротора и прохождении постоянных магнитов, размещенных на лопастях ротора, возле магнитоиндукционного датчика, в чувствительном элементе магнитоиндукционного датчика наводится электродвижущая сила, преобразуемая магнитоиндукционным датчиком в последовательность электрических импульсов, количество которых может быть измерено и преобразовано в значение объема жидкости устройством обработки информации, применяемого совместно с преобразователем расхода. Частота следования импульсов пропорциональна объемному расходу жидкости, количество импульсов пропорционально объему жидкости.

В состав преобразователей расхода жидкости турбинных моделей HELIFLU TZN, HELIFLU TZN CUS входят следующие основные части: корпус, измерительная камера (съемная), ротор и магнитоиндукционные датчики.

Преобразователи расхода жидкости турбинные моделей HELIFLU TZN, HELIFLU TZN CUS имеют взрывозащищенное исполнение со следующей маркировкой взрывозащиты: 1ExdIICT6. T1, 0ExiaIICT6. T1, 1ExibIICT6.. T1, 1ExdIICT6 .. T3, 0ExiaIICT6.. T3, 0ExiaIICT6. T5.

Минимальная длина прямолинейного участка до преобразователя расхода не менее 7 DN, после преобразователя расхода не менее 5 DN.

Общий вид преобразователей расхода жидкости турбинных моделей HELIFLU TZN, HELIFLU TZN CUS представлен на рисунке 1

Метрологические и технические характеристики преобразователей расхода жидкости турбинных моделей HELIFLU TZN, HELIFLU TZN CUS приведены в таблицах 1 и 2. Таблица 1

Параметры измеряемой среды (жидкости):

— кинематическая вязкость1), мм2/с (сСт)

— номинальное давление2), МПа

— содержание свободного газа

от 0,1 до 350 от минус 45 до плюс 180 2,0; 5,0; 10,0; 15,0; 25,0 не допускается

Диапазон измерений объемного расхода в рабочих условиях, м3/ч

Пределы допускаемой относительной погрешности, %

углеродистая сталь; нержавеющая сталь

— температура окружающей среды, °С

— относительная влажность окружающей среды, %

до 95 % при 35 °С без конденсации влаги от 84 до 106,7

Напряжение питания (источник постоянного тока), В

Частота источника постоянного тока, Гц

Средний срок службы, лет, не менее

1) По специальному заказу возможно изготовление для жидкостей с вязкостью до 1000 мм2/с.

2) В зависимости от варианта исполнения.

3) При одинаковом значении диапазона кинематической вязкости измеряемой среды при калибровке и в условиях эксплуатации. Минимальное количество импульсов при измерении объема без применения импульсной интерполяции 10000.

4) Динамический диапазон измерений объемного расхода в рабочих условиях определяется в процессе калибровки (10:1).


Преобразователи расхода жидкости эталонные турбинные HELIFLU TZ-N

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Описание HELIFLU TZ-N:

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См. также:

Расходомеры пленочные
Корректоры газа объемные
ГКУ 6,3
Установки грузокольцевые
Счетчики газовые барабанные
Установка поверочная
Расходомер кориолисовый эталонный
Преобразователи расхода турбинные
УПСЖ 100
Установки поверочные
Расходомеры ультразвуковые
Установки поверочные массоизмерительные
ВИР-100, тип расходомеров ВИР-105, ВИР-108, ВИР-11
Преобразователи расхода
Метран -360
Расходомеры кориолисовые
Лидеры продаж
C.A 6541
PeakTech 2680
Измеритель сопротивления изоляции
МК-225 0.01 КЛБ
МКЦ-100 0.001 КЛБ
Микрометр цифровой
1000мм 0.05 КЛБ
ШЦ-1-300 0.05 КЛБ
ШЦЦ-1-300 0.01 КЛБ
Штангенциркуль электронный (цифровой)
ШЦ-3- 500 0.05 губ.100мм КЛБ
Аналитические весы
Новое в каталоге
МАК–10 ПК-21-2,5
ПК-21-1,0 ПК-21-0,15
УПСК-10 СВ-10
ВУН-20 ФС-10К
АИП-21 АТВТ-20
АТВ-21 АТВО-21
АРНС-21 Кристалл-20
Кристалл-20Э УППС-10
ТМС–1М СК–20
АКС–20 ПН–10ПЦ
АТВО-20 ТС–20М
ТКС-20 УПП–10
ГлавнаяКаталогИзмерительные приборы и средства измеренийПоток, расход, уровень, объемПар, газожидкостные системыHELIFLU TZ-N
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214031, Смоленская область, г. Смоленск, ул. Бабушкина, д. 1, строение 2, оф. 17;
тел.: (4812) 35-81-67 (4812) 35-81-68


Предусилитель fh710co для преобразователя расхода heliflu tz n


The innovative design and extended product range of h elical t urbine meters address your highest flow metering requirements.

Our measurement solutions provide you the greatest flexibility to address flow rate changes with a minimum impact on your facilities and rig piping design. The Heliflu TZN h elical t urbine flowmeter is designed for high accuracy liquid measurement from very light LPG products to heavy crude oils. The advanced design and robust construction of the Heliflu TZN helical turbine meter is the perfect choice to secure your revenues while reducing your operational costs across various industries .


  • Custody transfer measurement
  • Oil production allocation
  • Pipeline flow measurement
  • Marine terminal & Tanker loading / offloading
  • Lease automatic custody transfer (LACT)
  • Master Meter service
  • Storage flow process management
  • Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) & Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) metering


  • ISO 17025 Outstanding oil calibration facility
  • Suitable for high viscosities ( up to 350 cSt), higher upon request
  • Minimal sensitivity to density and viscosity variations
  • Superior linearity & repeatability over wide flow ranges
  • Addresses production life cycle changes:
    • Downsizing “DS”
    • Flexible Flowrates “FF”
  • Low pressure drop & energy consumption
  • Low downtime — customer serviceable
  • Easy to prove — ideal solution for Master Meters
  • Low pulse stability, thus reducing your prover sizing
  • Proven robust technology / Long term reliability
  • Complies with global certifications and standards

Master Meter instrumented spool piece

A complete solution putting a flow conditioner, upstream and downstream spools, and your Faure He rman Master M eter provides a compact option compared to larger provers .

Cartridge concept

Innovative design enables the Faure Herman flowmeter to meet your measurement for the lifetime of your facility. Our removable cart ri d ge design with flexi ble flow rates allows adaptation to production changes, whether flows increase or decrease.

The design permits simple and fast maintenance, there’s no need to be a metering expert.

Faure Herman technology allows your meter to meet your process condition changes without changing your existing footprint/infrastructure.

Robust CUS Bearing

Proven technology with monoblock machined rotor equipped with self-cleaning bearings secures your revenues even in harsh and polluted environments.

Outstanding Oil Calibration Laboratory

Faure Herman calibrates using multiple oils to match your process conditions, ensuring your meter’s performance along its entire operational range.

Our ISO17025 certified laboratory calibrates your meters to meet real Reynolds number conditions.

Wide and evolutive range of flowmeters

Faure Herman meters provide a variety of metering solutions adapted to improve and optimize your process management operations.

Master Meter instrumented spool piece

A complete solution putting a flow conditioner, upstream and downstream spools, and your Faure He rman Master M eter provides a compact option compared to larger provers .

Certified Meters

Faur Herman meters comply with international norms and guidelines for Custody transfer meters.

Our robust metrology expertise is fundamental to our approvals and certifications.

Light and compact

Faure Herman meters, both helical turbines and ultrasonic, have a minimal a footprint (both weight & dimensions) compared to Coriolis mass meters or PD meters.

Easy «no expert» maintenance

Faure Herman technologies are designed to be operated and maintained by your field personnel, reducing your potential downtime and maintenance costs.

Compact and portable devices for easy military use

Designed to integrate all the metrological qualities of Faure Herman in a compact and portable «all in one» device.

Highest international quality standards

Large choice of flange types

Faure Herman offers a wide range of flanges and adapters to suit your needs.

Choice of number and position of outputs pick ups

One, two or three outputs can be customized to include local readouts and me asurement verification.

Readers flexible installation

Local displays can be place d either directly on the output pick up or remotly located if this is required for ease of maintenance, security in ATR (explosives conditions) etc.

Bi-Directional Measurements

FH provides several solutions for bidirectional measurement across all our activity sectors thanks to its symmetrical rotor.

Quick response time

Thanks to customized electronics, our equipment allows particularly short response times.

Sustainability over decades

Coming from experience, it has been notices that the extreme non electronic simplicity or our equipments make them last for decades if the basic MRO program is followed.

Fine Spirits Metering Stations

Mastered technology

Long term mastered technology.

Low Pressure Drop

Thanks to low pressure requirements our various metering solutions can help you improve your operational costs in terms of energy savings.

Qualified against the most severe environmental conditions

Versatility of features allow adaptation to your processes :

(explosive, corrosive, harsh atmosphere)

(corrosive, abrasive, hazardous and polluting fluid)

Light Weight

Faure Herman meets the highest requirements in terms of weight reduction.

Accuracy and repeatability

Typical accuracy is 0.15% with repeatability of Flow rate capabil i t y from 0.8 to 4 500 m 3/h, this over a wide rang e of viscosity from 0.7 to 500 cSt .


Faure Herman meters can be integrated in a cold plate.

Coolant Fluid Leaks

Faure Herman designs leak detection meters for cooling systems.


You originally needed a maximum flow rate of 1,260 b.hr, but now, several years later, oil output has dropped below 50% of original flow…

You can go from our original 4’’ Heliflu TZN STD 100-200 to the downsized DS 100-110 model, in order to achieve a maximum flow rate of 690 bph, without changing your meter run.

This can be integrated into an existing meter skid, extending duty life without having to change existing piping.

Large Flow Rates

Air-to-Air Refueling : up to 200 000 l/h and beyond according to your needs.

Low Pressure Drop

The helical rotor concept generates less resistance to fluid’s flowing, thus reducing the associated pressure drops.

Qualified againt most severe environmental conditions

Faure Herman meters meet the DO-160 standard requirements, related to conditions such as temperature, vibration, burst pressure.

Accomodates different types of fuel

Our device can accomodate variable types of fuels that comprise bio fuels thanks to years of selecting impeller profiles and materials.

Real time information

Output Signal according to your requirements.

Accuracy for military

Performing factory calibration on hydrocarbons of same viscosity as your fluid characteristics ensures optimum performance in the field.

Low cost of ownership

Associated with interchangeability and very easy to install & maintain.

Calibration with real fluid

Faure Herman calibrates 100% of your equipments with real fuels.


Faure Herman meters are available in several flow ranges within a single line size, offering you the possibility of upsizing or downsizing based upon the lifecycle of your production.

This may be achieved by just changing the cartridge or the meter body, not the entire meter run. This provides significant cost savings on the metering unit.


Our rotors are one piece elements, carved directly from a bloc of the appropriate metal for your application. The helical rotor, rounded front edge and light weight materials improve stability and linearity even in high viscosity fluids – while reducing bearing wear.

Combined with tungsten carbide bearings, we design our turbines for high performance, over a very long period of time, with minimum need for repair or maintenance.

Replaceable cartridge

Our TZN range of removable cartridges allow you to carry on production using a spare cartridge for replacement while the original one is sent back for repair or recalibration.

This helps you reduce downtime and save money, while providing full autonomy for your operations.

If your process conditions change, this innovative design also allows you to adapt to the new fluid and flow range, by simply changing the cartridge, without changing your existing footprint / infrastructure.

Outstanding pulse stability and repeatability

Stable & repeatable measuring meters

Faure Herman meters provide a variety of adapted flow meter solutions to improve & optimize your process management, the exceptional stability ensure optimized operations.

Miniaturized flow metering solutions

Can be integrated into cold plates.

COFRAC ILAC ISO17025 Certifications

Faure Herman delivers instrumentation fully traceable to National and international standards, thanks to its COFRAC ILAC ISO 17025 certification.

Versatile technologies

Faure Herman can supply flowmeters with different piping , material, design and accessories configurations to meet your safety, operational and performance requirements.


Special design with minimum number of moving parts makes equipment more reliable.

Robustness for test bench & military operation

The Faure Herman meters are designed to be robust and easy to handle in the extreme conditions of military campaigns.

Rugged CUS design

Meters are often negatively affected by harsh fluids containing contaminants or solid material. This can reduce performance and significantly increase operating costs.

Faure Herman’s patented Heliflu™ TZN CUS has been designed to minimizes the measurement impact of DRA, wax, fibers, chalk, sand and other impurities in fluids :

  • Tungsten carbide shaft and bearings with special shape for auto-cleaning
  • Monobloc titanium rotor

The CUS design will maintain high accuracy, even with heavy crude oils and will provide extended service life of your meter, in those harsh conditions.


The Faure Herman meters are designed to be robust and resistant to specific sea water process conditions.

Full bore design

The Faure Herman ultrasonic flowmeter is a full bore body design.

There are no obstacles or moving parts to generate any pressure drop.

Superior to other technologies

Evolutive design allowing Faure Herman flowmeter to meet your needs in terms of measurement ranges and process connection.

Miniaturization of meter components

Faure Herman is able to provide compact meters to meet your footprint and performance requirements.

High level of performance is reached thanks to know-how in impeller designing and manufacturing.

Reliability of embedded equipment

Faure Herman is recognized by major Aerospace firms as having the ability to provide the highest quality, most reliable embedded flowmeters.

Bi-directional conception

Due to it’s conception & technologie, Ultrasonic flowmeter allows flow measurement in both flow directions.

Cartridge concept

Innovative design enables the Faure Herman flowmeter to meet your measurement for the lifetime of your facility. Our removable cart ri d ge design with flexi ble flow rates allows adaptation to production changes, whether flows increase or decrease.

The design permits simple and fast maintenance, there’s no need to be a metering expert.

Faure Herman technology allows your meter to meet your process condition changes without changing your existing footprint/infrastructure.

Robust CUS Bearing

Proven technology with monoblock machined rotor equipped with self-cleaning bearings secures your revenues even in harsh and polluted environments.

Outstanding Oil Calibration Laboratory

Faure Herman calibrates using multiple oils to match your process conditions, ensuring your meter’s performance along its entire operational range.

Our ISO17025 certified laboratory calibrates your meters to meet real Reynolds number conditions.

Wide and evolutive range of flowmeters

Faure Herman meters provide a variety of metering solutions adapted to improve and optimize your process management operations.

Master Meter instrumented spool piece

A complete solution putting a flow conditioner, upstream and downstream spools, and your Faure He rman Master M eter provides a compact option compared to larger provers .

Certified Meters

Faur Herman meters comply with international norms and guidelines for Custody transfer meters.

Our robust metrology expertise is fundamental to our approvals and certifications.

Light and compact

Faure Herman meters, both helical turbines and ultrasonic, have a minimal a footprint (both weight & dimensions) compared to Coriolis mass meters or PD meters.

Easy «no expert» maintenance

Faure Herman technologies are designed to be operated and maintained by your field personnel, reducing your potential downtime and maintenance costs.

Compact and portable devices for easy military use

Designed to integrate all the metrological qualities of Faure Herman in a compact and portable «all in one» device.

Highest international quality standards

Large choice of flange types

Faure Herman offers a wide range of flanges and adapters to suit your needs.

Choice of number and position of outputs pick ups

One, two or three outputs can be customized to include local readouts and me asurement verification.

Readers flexible installation

Local displays can be place d either directly on the output pick up or remotly located if this is required for ease of maintenance, security in ATR (explosives conditions) etc.

Bi-Directional Measurements

FH provides several solutions for bidirectional measurement across all our activity sectors thanks to its symmetrical rotor.

Quick response time

Thanks to customized electronics, our equipment allows particularly short response times.

Sustainability over decades

Coming from experience, it has been notices that the extreme non electronic simplicity or our equipments make them last for decades if the basic MRO program is followed.


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